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It's Christmas Time in the City -- Bergdorf Goodman

I started my Christmas walks and I was fabulously rewarded. I found some incredible scenic treasures that I will be sharing in the next week. This is the first time in three years that I'm not recovering from an injury or surgery and it is a gift to be able to walk and enjoy the decorations of this season.

One of my favorite places at this time of year is Fifth Avenue. I saw just a small part of the decorations there, but the ones I saw were fabulous. The treasure I discovered at Bergdorf Goodman -- a "luxury goods department store" -- was dazzling.  It didn't follow the usual Christmas colors, but instead each window was dedicated to one of the arts, following the theme of "Inspiration."



Seeing the beauty of these windows brought back the feelings of excitement of childhood, when I would see the Christmas window in the Hartford department stores. Each of the Bergdorf Goodman windows had wonderful details that enhanced the magic that had been created. I can't wait to see the other department stores and discover their themes and decorations. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
I'm quickly realizing that this month will fly by, as it always does. One of my goals is to make a list of everything that needs to get done and then do it. I don't have much shopping to do, but I do have a lot of wrapping and mailing. The first gift gets wrapped tomorrow!
I am so glad to share Christmas in New York with my blog buddies. Wishes for a wonderful December.


Kerin said...

Wow! Just.. Wow!!

Thank you so much for sharing!!


I love seeing the beautiful window displays. I think I like the second one for Theater best. Wonderful indeed.

Catherine said...

The season certainly seems to have arrived so quickly!!
Thank you for sharing these beautiful holiday windows.
I am so happy for you Carol that you are enjoying this season and the surgeries are now behind you and you may enjoy the holiday to its fullest.
Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Becky K. said...

Stunning! A bunch of my family and friends are headed to NYC on Sunday. I'm jealous.... but happy for them.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It is a rare thing in my part of the world to see beautifully decorated store windows like that any more. Before the shopping malls took over this area we did actually have downtown stores with windows that were so much fun to see. The term window shopping meant something. Glad to see you still have them there. Enjoy your walks and keep us posted !

Nellie said...

New York must be such an exciting place to be during this season. Those windows are amazing! Isn't it a blessing to be able to maneuver the area on two healthy feet this year? xo

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, how I enjoy your Christmas scenes in New York. Seeing the window displays reminds me of our delightful time with you one chilly evening a couple years ago. :)

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I could stand and stare at these windowscapes 'til my nose froze off! I'm pretty sure my favorite is 'literature.'

How magical to see in person!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Thank you for showing us the beautiful holiday windows of New York City.