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Daisies are Forever

I've just finished reading "Daisies are Forever," by Liz Tolsma. One of my favorite books of 2013 was "Snow on the Tulips," also by the same author. "Snow" is set in the Netherlands in the last days of World War II and "Daisies" is set in Germany in the same period. I was immediately engrossed in "Snow," but it took me most of the novel to care about the characters in "Daisies." Based on the story of a German-American family that returns to Germany in the late 1930s the novel focuses on Gisela Cramer who finds herself in the center of the Russian push through Germany at the end of the War. Gisela is an engaging character and as the story progressed she captured my interest and concern.

The book gave me a lot to think about, especially as I read it over Memorial Day weekend. My father fought in Europe in World War II and many of my relatives died in Europe during the War. Honestly, I've not thought much about German citizens during the war. The book gave me a perspective on lives of German citizens during the War. I found Gisela sympathetic, but as she was an American -- her parents were born in Germany and it was her father's decision to return -- it didn't give a focus on someone who had lived their entire life in Germany. Yet, it was worth reading and I look forward to the next book by Liz Tolsma. I am interested if that book to come will take place in England or France in the same period.

Please note: I received this book from the Litfuse Publicity Group  for review, but the opinions are all mine.

I had a great weekend enjoying perfect New England weather. I spent time with friends, visited a juried craft fair and honed my cat photo skills.

Had to share a photo of sweet Bernie, recently adopted by my friend Lonni, from a cat rescue group. His brother Oscar is a cutie, too, and I will be sharing his picture in another post. 

Stay tuned for book posts for the rest of this week. I'm going to Book Expo America, one of my all-time favorite events. Tomorrow I've signed up for Blogger Day and the rest of the week promises lots of book fun. There will be photographs and there will be giveaways. I'm planning at least two, to share the book fun with the Citizens of Buttercupland.   

As always, thanks for visiting and have a great week!



Bernie looks like a real sweetie pie. The Book Expo sounds like fun. Good review on the book you read. Sounds interesting.

Sola Scriptura said...

That sounds like a good book. I also enjoy books from that era. Sweet Bernie is just picture-perfect and looks like such a fun character :)

Theresa said...

That sounds like a good book! Cute kitty pic! I think you did a great job capturing that sweet face! Enjoy your day dear friend! HUGS!

Kerin said...

It's always so nice to find a good read.
What a cute cat! He seems deep in thought.

Have a happy day.

Smiles :)

Susie said...

Buttercup, So glad you had agood weekend. Nice cat picture too. xoxo,Susie

Ida said...

I need to take time out now & then to read. I'm not much for "period" novels set in a different time though.
Loved the kitty & so happy he got adopted.

Annesphamily said...

Your story here appropriate for the Memorial Day holiday. I always enjoy what you have to say. The cat is precious. I love your photos Carol!