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National Coffee Day Giveaway

Coffee is both my every day favorite beverage and a treat. I am very content with an iced coffee in the morning -- my favorite daily indulgence -- and a nice hot cup almost any time of the day. I do switch to decaf after 2:00 p.m., as I am sensitive to caffeine. But there are days when I want cappuccino or a mocha coffee. I want a "fancy" coffee, but I am loathe to pay fancy coffee prices. I want the flavor, the foam, but I do not want to pay more than five dollars a cup for my treat. Living in New York there are lots of fancy coffee places to tempt me, including one that I pass going to work and coming home from the subway. It is a temptation, but I can't see spending twenty-five dollars a week on coffee treats. 

I was delighted when my buddies at Nescafe gave me the opportunity to try Nescafe Memento.  I was a little wary at first. How could a small paper container mixed in hot water give me fancy treat taste? I was given several flavors, including mocha, caramel and cappuccino. I heated the water and then I mixed the coffee and flavoring. I saw lots of foam, but of course, the test is the flavor and it was good. Actually it was very good and I am particularly taken with the mocha. I got my fancy coffee taste at a very affordable price. 

In honor of National Coffee Day -- I celebrate this day every day! -- I am delighted to do a Memento and natural bliss giveaway. There is one first prize,  a package of Nescafe Memento Cappuccino (with eight packets), a coupon for natural bliss and a Memento coaster, and four second prizes, a coupon for natural bliss. The entry is simple. Just leave a comment with your favorite way to drink coffee, and please be a friend of Buttercup's. I will pick five names next Saturday and the winners will be announced in a post on Sunday, October 7.    

Wishes for a sweet, sweet Sunday!

*I received no compensation for this review, other than the samples of the products. My opinions are based on my experience with the products. 


Unknown said...

My favorite way to drink coffee is with creamer and sugar early in the morning

shopgurl101 at gmail dot com

Barbara F. said...

My favorite cup is my first cup of the day, it could be just plain old Maxwell House in my Cuisinart. The aroma as it is brewing wakes me up and I decide between egg whites, or oatmeal, or gluten free pancakes. I feel my soul awakening after that first cup, and look forward to traveling thru Blogland while I sip the 2nd cup. xo

Sharon said...

I am an all day coffee drinker, but my favorite is still that very first sip of freshly brewed coffee early in the morning. I simply sit and savor my first cup before beginning my devotions with the second cup. These sound unique - I'd love to give them a try. Maybe I'll win the first prize!!!

Anonymous said...

Once a week, we treat ourselves to one item from the bakery to enjoy with a late afternoon cup of coffee!

Yona Williams said...

I love coffee with flavored creamer and no sweetener. I am a new Google Connect Friend. Email: yona(at)pricelesswriters.com

Chatty Crone said...

You and I have another thing in common - I love coffee. I just drink two cups a day though. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

Theresa said...

I am sitting with my morning coffee, I enjoy it SO much! I like it smoking hot:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Ms Sparrow said...

I am a coffee purist--I like it with no flavorings or additives. As a youngster, I liked the smell of coffee but when I tasted it, the flavor did not match the fragrance! I had a hard time adjusting the two.
Anyway, I decided that I didn't need anything in my coffee to add calories to I learned to like it black and I'm sticking to that!

Paula said...

I boycott Nestle' products because they are still promoting the use of baby formula in third world countries. Here is the information:


Mevely317 said...

Mine? Strong and often! :)
I ALWAYS drank mine with cream and sugar until a business dinner years ago when there were no "additives" on the table and I was too bashful to ask. Hmmm, this isn't so awful after all!

I love Starbucks' specials, but only "allow" myself a once/year visit. You're right.... That daily habit is too expensive for this gal.

Nellie said...

My favorite way to drink coffee is black, no sugar, with dessert. It does have to be decaf, though, particularly if it is in the evening.

I hope you are having a good Sunday!

Susie said...

Sign me up sweet Buttercup...I love coffee. I like it black in the morning or with meals..but when I have it as a treat, I like french vannila flavor or carmel..we have pumpkin flavors at times. Yum... now I wish I had one. Smiles, Susie

JC said...

I'm your google friend. I like my coffee with soy milk, no sugar.

Unknown said...

At home i have mine with splenda and a splash of hazelnut creamer- but i lovelovelove a vanilla soy latte from coffeeshops once in a while!

Donna said...

Coffee is the smell I woke up to each morning and fell asleep to at night. I love coffee .. black .. or with cream and sugar .. cold or hot. It brings back memories of parents who welcomed friends and strangers into our home with buns and coffee. There was always time to sit and visit over a cup of coffee. :)

Anonymous said...

Hubby got me a Keurig yesterday and I've already discovered more coffee flavors than i knew existed! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Iced Hazelnut in the a.m. with 3 splenda and 1 extra shot of cream. After that what ever I feel like putting in the Kcup holder :)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Hello Buttercup Sweetie...
I am not a coffee drinker. I love to smell it brewing, but it just has never enticed me enough to give it a try.

Tony loves his with a little cream and sugar. He says I make a mean pot. I guess that is good. I will have to give this a try.

Hope you are doing well sweet friend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

409cope said...

I am actually a tea drinker but hubby loves his coffee black.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Southern California!
I love coffee in the morning, nothing like it..usually with a little creamer of some sort...later in the day, I switch to tea.

blue65829 said...

My favorite cup of coffee is on the weekends before anyone else in the house is awake, I love my quiet time and my cotter with just a little sugar.
blue65829 at aol dot com

mverno said...

i like cream and sugar always have and i follow you as mvereno via gfc

Ciara B. said...

with A TON of cream and sugar


PAIGE said...

I love coffee with french vanilla flavored cream and splenda.

llinda29 said...

I like black coffee

judy gardner said...

i love flavored coffee on a cold winter night!


Amrita said...

I begin my day with a cup of hot coffee

channallocks said...

cream and 2 spelnda

Mary said...

I love coffee at any time of day-With creamer & sugar.For my 'dessert cup' my favorite lately has been with a caramel creamer!
GFC- Mary Somerville


dmoniz1980 said...

I love iced coffee

dario moniz on gfc

Anonymous said...

I like iced coffee with plenty of creamer.

Unknown said...

I like my coffee iced (with a tad bit of creamer and sugar). It goes down better that way for me!

one frugal lady said...

I am coffee freak... especially now that the weather is cooler! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

Trisha D said...

with baileys caramel creamer. yum.

Caryn said...

I love my coffee with a little flavored creamer and some sugar. Also a GFC follower.

caryn9802 at yahoo dot com

DistractedMommy said...

I like flavored creamer and a touch of agave.

Erica C. said...

I like it with sugar and some chocolate flavor.

iggysaysno said...

I love a soy latte

Unknown said...

I like my coffee with flavored creamer. GFC follower/friend.


Nicole D. said...

I love my coffee with some flavored creamer in it, nice and hot!


esldiane@gmail.com said...

I love my coffee 1st thing in the AM loaded with sugar
Diane Baum

saturdaynightfever said...

With macaroons!


Debra said...

i use a vanilla creamer

EclecticZebra said...

I like my coffee ligght and sweet..
no19034770 @yahoo.com

Melanie Montgomery said...

I like it with alot of creamer.

Kathy P said...

I like my coffee with half and half and no sugar

google friend kathy pease

Miranda Ward said...

Creamer and Lots of Sugar!!!!! Love Coffee


chadro said...

my husband drinks it with cream and lots of sugar

Breanne said...

I like mine with milk

bmweida at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

My favorite way to drink coffee is in bed when my husband makes it before I wake up. With lots of cream and a dash of sugar of course.

Anonymous said...

i like it with cream

Unknown said...

I like cream and sugar in my coffee.

annamarie0203 at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

Extra Cream and Extra Sugar....on a rainy day reading a good book :)

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Anonymous said...

I like my coffee (lots of it) with good creamer and a touch of sugar.

willdebbie said...

I like my coffee with french vanilla cream
willdebbie97 at yahoo dot com

Karen said...

I like my coffee iced. Thanks for the giveaway.

Unknown said...

My favorite type of coffee is in a IV drip! I live off of coffee.. I have it everyday, all day up til I go to bed. The ONLY reason I even want to get up in the mornings is because I know a steaming hot cup of coffee is waiting for me... And having my sexy husband BRING it to me, EVEN BETTER!!! I prefer Folger's Black Silk but any decent coffee will do in a pinch. Google friend!!!


Unknown said...

I take my coffee with lot's of cream and sugar.

chrissylea1979 (at)gmail(dot) com

Kim (Randominities) said...

My favorite way to drink coffee is black with a scoop of french vanilla ice cream.

elangomatt said...

My favorite way to drink coffee is from an easy k-cup with a packet of splenda and some creamer. I don't leave myself enough time to drink coffee before work ever, but I pretty much always have a couple cups after I get to work.

elangomatt at gmail dot com

Terri Patillo said...

Following your blog via GFC.

I've been drinking coffee since I a very young child -- my Nanie put sweet cream and sugar in it and that's the way I drink it to this day!

Terri P
pr4gatheringroses AT gmail DOT com

Matt Ferrell said...

Creamer and sugar in the morning

animasou @ comcast . net

Vikki Billings said...

I like my coffee with milk and sugar. I like to sit on the porch and drink it in the mornings.


Mnemosyne said...

I love my coffee hot, fresh, and with plenty of cream and sugar! :)


Kendrah & Corwynne said...

with friends....

Unknown said...

I like it hot with flavored cremaer and sugar

mellanhead74 at hotmail.com

tlcfromtn said...

I like mine with a little sweetener and a splash of milk or creamer

braaisjo at gmail dot com

susansmoaks said...

i like my coffee hot, black and strong
susansmoaks at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I like my coffee with sugar and chocolate cream

Vanessa said...

I like my coffee with sugar and no screaming kids. :)

momlovesdeals at gmail dot com

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

With cream or half/half and sugar.

Clair Shumack said...

gfc follow and love it with french vanilla!

Anonymous said...

I love to drink coffee with sugar and cream. garrettsambo@aol.com

/\Heather/\ said...

I love flavored coffee with plenty of Splenda and creamer (either a flavor that compliments or a plain creamer). I love to just sit and drink it outside on a cool morning.

AEKZ2 said...

I love drinking iced coffee with french vanilla creamer.

Sand said...

I love my coffee with a little bit of milk spooned in.

Jblanton said...

I like my coffee with 3 spoons full of sugar and some milk