I wish the theme of this note was my Rachael Ray tickets, but alas, it's not even close. Despite my wonderful Wednesday with Martha -- and it was -- I ended the work week exhausted. Had three meetings today and two concerned computer issues, one of the topics I'm least knowledgeable about and have to really concentrate. My mind was like a rubber band snapping back and forth. Didn't even get outside for lunch or a little air during the day. Decided I'd have a nice evening and went to Bath and Body, sniffed the yummy fall candles and bought fabulous Shea Cashmere Hand Cream, which was on super sale and I had a coupon. I also did a little Christmas shopping, which always makes me feel good. I had a slice of pizza, bought the new issue of "Women's World" to read on the train ride home and by the time I arrived at my building I was feeling much peppier.
Until I got the mail...I found a letter from my doctor's office. It was hand written and personal and informed me to make an appointment for more blood work. I have had a long standing liver problem of unknown origin, but the last few years have been great and I haven't given it a moment's thought -- until an hour ago. On Tuesday I will call for an appointment and move ahead with whatever else, if anything, needs to be done. I'd appreciate it if when you are saying your prayers you will add Buttercup's liver to your list.
I'm going to put worry away and light one of my autumn candles, read a few blogs and be grateful for all the good things in my life, including my dear blog sisters. I will follow up over the weekend with some answers to some of the questions about my visit to Martha Stewart and for a starter, yes, the camera really adds a good ten pounds.
Hugs and good wishes!
From Kate actually:
Is there such a think as a "good ten pounds".
Doctors and banks should not be permitted to send mail on Fridays, leaving us w/ too much time to think. So think of us thinking of you and smile instead. Thinking good thoughts and sending them on,
Love Kate and Jess
Why is it that we always get the cruddy mail on Friday? Put the worry away until Monday ... can't do much about it anyway ... and enjoy your weekend! Praying that it's not anything serious and that all will be a-ok.
I just have a GOOD feeling about your liver. That it will be fine and isn't getting bad again. These doctors are really quite ridiculous, scaring people all the time. But when you really need them, they scatter like BBs. Hmph.
That candle and hand creme sound delightful!!!
Hoping it's nothing too serious. I can't believe they would send you a letter in the mail to tell you bad news. It's probably not as horrible as what is rolling through your head right now but I know how hard it is to not think that way.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and hope you have a great weekend!
HI Buttercup!!
I will add you to my Prayer list, I hope and Pray it is just to see you again as maybe it's been far to long and they miss you!!!!
I love Bath and Body!!!
Such a great store!!!
Have a great week-end, rest --Relax and do fun things you love to do!!!!
enjoy autumn in New York!!!!
This is my first visit to your blog and I delved into older posts and have so enjoyed it. Don't let the doctor's letter rob you of the joy and pleasure of your weekend. Probably totally routine tests so don't borrow trouble--just get some rest and enjoy some bloghopping.
I saw your 9/11 post and was so amazed at you and other New Yorkers guts and resiliency--true grit! I have a brand-new blog called Beauty and Blessings and my first post was about 9/11 if you would like to check it out. Please comment if you will.
I am praying now for your body and peace to come to your spirit. We will expect a good report...
Cynthia K.
Well, a letter is a little better than getting a direct phone call from him, which usually means cancer at least thats been my experiecn. Will be praying that all is well!
I look at it this way--as Debra does--if it were SERIOUS...if the doctor were CONCERNED he would NOT have sent you a letter he would have tracked you down at work, at home, on your cell with a phone call.
A letter just says "hey, we want to take a look and make sure everything is still A-OK"
Keep sniffing your candles and TRY not worry!
Well, hopefully the "further testing" will find you fit and healthy...hoping it is all a false alarm!
I've got fall scented candles burning all over the house this misty foggy morning in Podunk Ohio...
I hate getting those kinds of things in Friday's mail and you can't do anything about it until Monday. Well, like everyone else is saying, put those thoughts aside and have a good weekend anyway. Me...I am still trying to feel better. Woke up with a headache again. And will see if I can eat without getted and upset stomach again. I have not eaten much in the last few days because of that. Just easy stuff like jello. And toast.
Have a good weekend.
Dear Buttercup,
I will be praying for your liver and for good health.
I wish I lived next door to you...I love how you get out and take walks and it is just like you can feel the tension leave as you are reading Woman's World on the train and then going home and lighting your candles. Awesome
angel hugs
First off: I have a colleague who simply did nothing using her computer for THREE YEARS before it caught up with her. She'd call in sick when grades were due or bribe friends to help her. I admire you for facing the technology head on...
As for the liver: Jehovah Rophe. I'm claiming it for YOU.
The whole of Buttercup--not just the liver--are added to the prayer list.
Peaceful weekend,
I just got back in town - but I certainly will pray and hopefully today the doctor just wants to make sure of things.
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