It's not actually cold. That is still to come and happily a few months off. But it's definitely sweater weather tonight and I was glad for the jacket I had with me as I walked home from the subway. It's a beautiful crisp, clear night with a beginning feel of autumn. I'm not ready to say good bye to summer and hello to pantyhose, gloves and turtleneck sweaters. But I am ready to embrace all that I love in the autumn. Here's to pumpkins and mums, apples and Halloween and the beauty of the leaves.
I am hanging on to those last 11 days dearly ... today was a chilly one here also. Have a lovely weekend. TTFN ~ Marydon
Trees are changing here already!
Gathered bittersweet today on a gravel country road. The fields were full of butterflies, and goldenrod. Saw a praying mantis on the road, crawling towards grass. Yes, the signs are there, no matter where you live. There's no denying it any longer!
I can tell autumn is coming! We had to run the air conditioner only 23.9 out of the 24 hours today!
I envy you your lovely autumns...but fear your winters...
MY car thermometer said 108 today!!!!
Gotta love Phoenix!!!!!
It is not fall here til Winter!!!!!
just kidding but really Thanksgiving we still do Not have sweaters on, maybe in the wee hours, but not in the day!!!!!
I love fall time, I did by a MUM yesterday though!!!!
OOH So you mean I can soon use my fire place??? WOO HOO.
It's cooling off in GA too. It is low 80's - high 70's. Great time of year.
Buttercup, Today on 9/11, just wanted to thank god that you are here...Have a great Day my Friend!
I like the cool, not the bone freezing cold!
I want to thank you for your loving supportive comments to me in the last few days...you are such a sweetie!♥
Oh Buttercup!
A sweater. I wish I could wear a sweater. We are expecting another day today of 103 degrees. I don't know when it is going to cool off, or if we are just stuck with this until next year. I love the Fall though,a nd sweater weather is the best. Thanks for sharing. Please stop by and visit my cloche display. You will love my Halloween and it might inspire you. Country hugs and love sweet thing, Sherry
I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the nice comments. It's a cool evening here and makes me feel like fall is really coming. 11 more days and I'll have to officially say good bye to summer
The leaves are starting to change around here. But we are still having warm days. Today it was in the 90's. The year, the first day of Fall is also our wedding anniversary. 30 years!!
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