Not the most glamorous title. Actually not a glamorous title at all, but the high point of today was finding raisin bran on sale at my local grocery. And actually it was Raisin Bran Crunch. I genuinely like cereal for a snack and my favorite cereals are the fancy raisin brans. But a box of my favorite kind -- the one where the raisins are covered with nuts -- is over six dollars a box. I can spend money on all kinds of things, but somehow six dollars for a box of cereal just gets me. The other thing that I have real trouble with is buying cut up fruit. Every big and little grocery has fruit all ready cut up and I especially covet the fresh pineapple, but loathe paying five or six dollars for pineapple. I also rarely go to St*arbucks, because five dollars for coffee gets me and I do love coffee.

In the mornings either I buy my coffee at this stand and try to refrain from indulging in a danish, or I go to this deli. The deli has iced hazelnut decaf and that is my favorite.
I do love living in New York. I moved here in 1975 intending to stay for only a few years and a few years became a decade and then decades and I really set down roots. I've come to understand how expensive New York can be. Everything has to be trucked onto this island, through crowded streets. But sometimes at heart, I'm just a kid from Connecticut marvelling at life in the big city.
Reflecting on this I'm going to go out after work tomorrow and buy myself a cut up pineappple and savor every bite.
P.S. Thinking over today...the high point was an email from my friend, Marcia, who became a grandmother for a second time. Ethan Anthony was born yesterday, healthy and thriving, and cute as can be.
Oh how exciting Buttercup. Thank you for your prayers honey. They meant so much to my family. We could not have made it without them. I love this post. I love pineapple too. I like it with cool whip. Absolutely scrumptous. Take care my friend. We will keep posting on the progress. Country hugs and love, Sherry
Congratulations! I soooo love Starbucks but the only time I go is when I get a giftcard for my birthday/Christmas... Being a true Southern Belle, I try to be conservative, but when I have a really stressful day at the office.... Nothing "destresses" me like a Carmel Macciato. Enjoy your pre-cut pineapple one delicious bite at a time :-)
I am happy to say I have never had anything from Starbucks!!! Their prices are insane!!! I wish N.Y. prices were more reasonable, we can get the fanciest of fancy boxed cereals here for $3 MAX at our Walmart, but I think you don't have them in New York yet?
I envy you living in New York til you mention 6 box of cereals!!! I can also buy cereal at walmart for 3!!!! I just might have to send you a box!!!!haha
But you my dear do not need a car payment , or insurance or gas money, you get to walk or subway it every where!!! Oh How I wish for that, but then wouldn't a car be nice to you have a car??? Most New Yorkers I heard do not!!!
My eyes popped out when spying those monster bagels...I love a good wheaty-nutty-grainy bagel with cream cheese.
Oh my! New York, New York, it's a wonderful town!
Sometimes for kids cereal there is more nutrition in the box!
Once in awhile we do have to treat ourselves and go for it - you know?
And I can tell your heart is there. My daughter has the song New York, New York as her ring!
I have only been to NYC once in my life. That was in 1976 and it was hot and muggy that day and the traffic was gridlock. Took us two hours to go what should have only taken 20 minutes. I forget what all we did see while we were there. The only reason we went there was because my dad had a business meeting to go to. So my mom, my brothers and I wandered around the area some. I wish I remembered more of what I actually saw while I was there. But that is too long ago now. Perhaps some day I will see it again and get better pictures! It is fun to read about your life there. And to see the pictures too!
Even better buy a whole pineapple and have them core it for you! Much less expensive. As for $6 cereal send me your address, I will send you some from Bedrock...much less expensive here! I think last week we had it on sale 4-$7 with the savings card!
Cut up fruit is outrageous here too!! I'm going to ask a silly question...are there really places like the Soup Nazi like on the Seinfeld show?? ;D
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