I've been thinking about this post for a few weeks and in an effort for accountability I am posting about an issue

that is mighty in my life, weight! I'm not sure there's been a time in my life when I haven't been thinking about my weight. Not always doing anything constructive about it, but it looms in my thoughts. I have probably been on every diet imaginable -- Dr. Atkins, South Beach, Cider Vinegar and countless visits to Weight Watchers. But for the last few years especially, nothing has stuck and I am carrying around at least 30 more pounds than I would like, or is healthy.
I turn 60 next summer and a gift I would like to give myself is to be 30 pounds thinner. Right now I am thinking about posting once a week on my progress to my goal. Would anyone like to join me? If not in a weekly post, I appreciate encouragement or even, as Penniwig might say, a good flailing when needed.
Buttercup will now be counting blessings and calories!
Since I have Crohns disease I can't diet, but I will encourage you to go for it with full swing, my friend. TTFN ~ Marydon
I will encourage you all the way to the end!!
Yes, I need to lose about 15 pounds as I have elevated cholesterol and you and I can take this journey together!!!
Begin today!!!!
Weight is a sore subject with me, in a way. I've been at both ends of the spectrum, severely underweight and now overweight. It truly is 2 sides of the same coin.
I'd love to join ye in a weight-losing attempt!
*sigh* I guess the first thing to do is change our names: You can be ReducedCalorieMargarineCup, and I'll be Dieting Dame Penniwig...
Hi ya ...i,m 60 Dec next year too but only 30 in my head still i feel young but my body says ouch ..... i weigh 13 stone 7 lbs to much !!! 11.7 would be good ... i dont diet i would cut down and cut out i,m sure that's better..i ought to join you but am i ready !!??....xxxxx
Well, I know you can kick those 30 pounds by your 60th birthday! I'll encourage you too. I'm overweight myself and always trying to lose weight too. Good luck.
I'm right there with ya sister! Doc's office called this morning and confirmed I am type 2 diabetic and must start a med and test my blood sugar twice daily...argggg...I though all of that was behind me, but I can't live as if I can eat anything and get by with it!
I'm sure that you can meet your goal...you are going to do great!☺
The title is very funny BC.
I need to count my clas too. I have BP
Sore subject!
We all could lose a few extra pounds but it is so hard. My sister-in-law Crys over at fitandflabless.blogspot.com has been losing weight on WW and she has done great. I however, just don't have the will power but I really need to try. The age thing is beginning to catch up to me and I fear that if I truly don't start watching now I will have an even harder time down the road. Good luck and keep us posted.
I would love to be 30 lbs. lighter by the time I'm 60. That would be 2 yrs., and 2 months away...believe me, it'll take that long!
Call me, Slimmin' Sue....when do we start? I've got real butter and cream cheese to get rid of, quickly!
I'd like to drop 20 lbs. Counting calories is the way to go for me, although they do add up quickly. I am here to encourage you too!
Sigh.....something I need do to....but sticking with it...that is the hard part.30 pounds would be good...for a start anyway. But I really should lose more. Okay I have admitted it. Starting it...whole nother story.
I have been pondering some public posting on this subject. Have been part of a private weight loss blog for the last two years and just now getting a little confidence. I've lost 30 lbs. since February but still have soooooooooooooo much more to lose. I'll be checking in with you.
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