The Journey of 8,065.8 Miles
Welcome Back, No Spending January
My rules for No Spending January are simple, no buying things. I can still buy groceries, tickets and household supplies, like the paper towels I need to buy this week. I am making a few exceptions to my rule. If I happen to find the holiday tissue paper I'd like for next year, it will go in my cart. So far there's no half-price tissue paper anywhere in New York City, but I'm still on the lookout.
As in the past, I'm tracking my spending when I do spend in January. I spent $2.26 this morning for two greeting cards using my $2.00 discount at CVS. I also spent $25.00 on a gift. I'm optimistic that $27.26 will be the extent of my spending for January.
Anyone else joining me in No Spending January?
I got my walk in this morning and looking forward to seeing friends this evening to celebrate Chanukah. Chanukah will officially be over at sundown, but our scheduling deferred to those who are still working. I'm also pleased to be blogging two days in a row. I've been a haphazard blogger and definitely glad to be less haphazard (so far) in 2025.
As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.
My Perfect Word for 2025
These Were (Some of) the Days
On the Fifth Night of Chanukah...
It's Been a Whirlwind