Saturday, February 20, 2010

I Never Thought...

...that the following sentence could ever emerge from my mouth, or from the mouth of anyone I know.

The sentence is "I can't believe that my friend's niece goes to school with Lady GaGa." Until sometime last month I had no idea who Lady GaGa was. The name was vaguely familiar. I knew she was a singer and I thought she was popular, but I wasn't sure what she sang, though I was pretty sure I wouldn't recognize any of her songs when they came on the radio.

One day last month I was talking with my friend, Mary, and asked how her niece, K. was liking high school. K is in her freshman year at a girls' school in Manhattan. We were chatting about K's new school, and Mary remarked that K. shared classes with Lady GaGa's sister. Lady GaGa appeared at Radio City last month and a couple of my friends mentioned how hard it was for their children to get tickets. I mentioned my peripheral connection to Lady GaGa and there was awe. Of course, I am very aware that I have done nothing to earn any awe, nor actually has K, who is a lovely young woman, nor Mary, who is a dear friend. But in this world of celebritydom, I think I've earned my fifteen seconds of celebrity and have to laugh at my tenuous claim to fame. Now you are three degrees of separation from Lady GaGa.


  1. Like you, it wasnt a familiar name to us, but saw her on the TV news receiving an award. I couldnt believe the, dress?

  2. I just heard about her too....haven't heard her sing or her music...I guess she can really promote herself....good for her....funny how you can feel a little famous just by knowing someone who knows someone, huh?

  3. I love the three-degrees reference. I really like your new look!


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