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Autumn Leaves Pink Saturday


Riverside Park, this time with a filter 

There have been two things about 2020 that have been pure pleasure. The first has been spending time in my neighborhood and appreciating my immediate environment. The second is that each season seems to be the most beautiful spring, summer or autumn here ever. I'm rarely on the run to be somewhere else and I have literally taken time to see the trees bud, smell the roses and appreciate the leaves. I've always been a planner, but my plans this year compared to the past are minimal and though not by choice, I am appreciative of my lessons in living in the present. 

Almost sunset, the Hudson River in the background

The last flowers in the gardens at Riverside Park

There may be another week or two of flowers, but I know in a few weeks even these beauties will be history. Though the park is a public park, the flowers are tended by volunteer gardeners from the community. 

This isn't a beautiful park picture, but I'm glad my observation caught the autumn leaves on a gritty New York block. 

I'm hoping for one more autumn leaves post. I haven't taken the pictures yet, and it's totally weather dependent. I'm going to stay hopeful that next week's Pink Saturday pictures will be as bright and beautiful as this week's photographs. 

So enjoying my flip-flop weather, and I think we have a few more days predicted. I'm planning to do a few quick excursions about town and, yes, there will be pictures. 

As ever, thanks for visiting and take good care.  


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad you are having the same wonderful weather as we are here in NH, although it would come right after I had taken out the winter gear of gloves and scarves as well. NYC does have some great remaining foliage and thanks for sharing your views, Buttercup.

Deanna Rabe said...

Beauty is everywhere, if we have the eyes to see it! Gorgeous trees in the midst of the city!

I was wondering if your gas inspection went well and is it turned back on?

Deb J. in Utah said...

Good morning from snowy Utah. I always enjoy your posts and seeing scenes from your life in NYC. These pictures are beautiful. There is always beauty to find when we look for it. Have a good week!

Edna B said...

I love the photos, especially the second one down from the top. The colors in that photo are awesome. I think it's wonderful how you find the beauty to photograph. You have a great day, hugs, Edna B.

Nellie said...

Lovely photos! You’ve captured the beauty around you perfectly!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I think we've all learned to appreciate each day and to stop and smell the roses more. It's been beautiful weather here too. I'm sure it's our AIndian Summer. What a delight to be able to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine yet a few more days !

kestrel said...

I like your term "flip-flop" weather. I agree that the pandemic has given us time to ponder and appreciate the things we have taken for granted. Like going out and breathing without our masks on is now a luxury. Beautiful autumn colours, hope you get some more blooms and autumn leaves before the cold sets in.

Jeanie said...

I've been on an autumn color kick, too. These are truly beautiful colors. Oh, we must celebrate them now!